Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The way kids think.

April related this one to me the other day.

On monday this week, as she's driving Ethan to preschool, he's flapping away as usual, talking about everything and nothing. Out of the blue, he points at a house and says, "I think Miss Leslie lives there." No explanation, no reasoning, just the quick thought that his preschool teacher lives at some random house.

Once they get to preschool, April relates this tale to Miss Leslie, who is also amused by it. Of course, being a teacher and wanting to share knowledge and such with her students, she corrects him and says, "I don't live there, I live in Janesville." Without missing a beat, Ethan responds surprised but confident, "You live in Crazy Town?"

At this point, everyone has a laugh over it, and Miss Leslie gives Ethan and April a confused and possibly concerned look. April explains all by telling another story. Our boys, being the kids that they are, can't live happily in the car unless they know at all times where we are going. What this means is, at various times, from when they are told we are going somewhere until we arrive, the question comes up, "Where are we going?" Most times, we tell them or remind them where we are going. Of course, sometimes we tell them more or less to shut up and stop asking. One a few occasions, April replies, "We're going crazy, wanna come?" One such time stuck. a few minutes after this particular interaction we arrived in Janesville. Ever since then, Janesville has been Crazy Town.

Ain't it great?

On a completely unrelated note, Wizkids announced yesterday a new release date for the Star Wars Pocketmodel expansion "Ground Assault". The release has been delayed, but there's an actual date now at least rather than simply october. November 14th is the new projected date.

Hooray for a new form of plastic-crack!


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