Monday, March 10, 2008

An insight into my job.

WOW! from nothing to three posts in one day. After Jelly Belly, I trekked up to Milwaukee to help setup for the WRA show. No, WRA is not the Wisconsin Rifle Association, and I don't have anything to do with Charleton Heston.

It wasn't that big of a deal, but I took pics for our vendors and thought I'd share the before and after here. And of course, you get a real treat here cus I've never posted pics before. ;)

I did manage to bleed on the booth. The organizers rented us our tables, and I managed to snag my finger on an old staple they didn't remove. After I stopped bleeding, I removed the staple so it wouldn't snag any potential clients.

Just to clarify the picture a bit, our booth is in a corner stall. In the second picture, I took a corner view, so you can see our neighbor's booth behind ours. Our booth ends at the back of the rear table where the DVR/Camera system is sitting.

And of course, the best part of this particular part of the day, I didn't have to pay to park. I've never liked paying for parking so this is a wonderful bonus. ;)

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