Monday, March 10, 2008

What a great idea, this Blogging thing....

No really, it's a great idea! It is. It's not the idea's fault that I don't follow through and post regularly. What's it been, 4 months?

Well, I'm back for the moment.
Updates: (since I'm talking to myself and all ;))
- The house still hasn't sold. Working on it. We originally listed for 131k. After three months, we've dropped the price to 120k and have attracted far more interest. Unfortunately, all that interest has only lead to 2 offers, both from the same guy. First was for 85k. We were insulted and ignored it. The second was for marginally better, so this time, we countered. We think we chased him off again. Bah!
- I'm sick, and apparently so is everyone else. I don't think I had the flu, but I was pretty bad last week and our office Manager is out with the flu now showing symptoms early end of last week. Hope I didn't give it to her.
- Work is too busy and last month was painful. For February, I reported 200ish hours, and only 80 of them were billable. I get to be office bitch when there's internal projects to do, and being the manager, I'm expected to just suck it up and fill in those billable hours where I can. Of course, Feb being a short month, and having to take a day off for April on top of it, it's tough to find the time.
- I've discovered facebook. Go out and discover it for yourself. Find my profile here. Facebook is far less intimidating than myspace, and the community seems more subdued. I did try myspace at one point, but found it far too chaotic for my liking. Also, the various apps keep me occupied when I'm not feeling like doing something useful. Sadly, this is most of the time this time of year.
- We moved shortly after my last post. The new apartment is huge. Did I mention three bathrooms, each with at least a shower? The boys have a playroom upstairs out of the way, so the mess stays out of sight. My overall utility bills will average somewhere around $1600 this year, rather than the $5000 I became acustomed to at the house.
- We have re-joined the ranks of people who have a gaming console after many many years. Christmas was good to us this year, so we took some of our christmas and bought a Wii. We throught about the various systems we could go with, but the Wii seemed like the best choice. It's a system that actually encourages activity! April and I figured that was a must with growing boys.
- April bought a rat. His name is Monkey. He poops on my every time I pick him up. After parting ways with our cats of 11 years and our dog of 2 years, she has something more manageable, and allowed by our lease. The best part, I don't have to clean his cage. ...Yet...

ok, enough for now. As usual, I'll try to be here more often. I get good bursts of energy, then die off. Let's try to keep this burst going a bit longer.


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