Friday, February 9, 2007

What's next? Chili cheese fries?

No, probably not. Actually, they sound disgusting, don't they?

Yesterday, I mentioned that I'd be talking about some of my diversions so here we go:

1. Web Sites
- Little Savages - This is a stupid little game that April and I both play. Check it out. The essence of it is, you control a group of imaginary people. Any by control, I mean you look at them now and again, and do what you can to sort of steer them in a direction that you might want them to go. There's very little real control, but there is a high score list that allows for bragging rights among the other players. At least at the moment, I'm number 10 out of several hundred. This is not bound to last. ;)
- Travian - This is a city based strategy war game. Build cities, improve cities, build troops, conquer other villages, win the game. Or in all likelihood, loose. But it's still fun.
- Marapets - This is like Neopets. If you haven't played neopets, it's a game where you take care of virtual "pets". Play games to earn virtual money with which to take care of your virtual pets. It's pretty much a game teenage girls play, but it's a fun diversion anyway. April plays this one as well, and in fact, she's the main reason I play at all.
- Kingdom of Loathing - This is an irreverent game that pretty much pokes fun at everything you could imagine. It revolves around drinking booze, over-eating, and poking fun at other players. Gets boring after a while, but what game doesn't?
- The Dictionary - OK, it's not a diversion. But as I'm typing here, I've had to use it several times to check my spelling here. Yes, there's a spellchecker here, but I didn't realize that right away so be quiet.

2. Books
- Today, I'm listening to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on tape. I've already read all of the published books in the series, but I'm re-listening in preparation for the new book coming out in July. Books on tape is a great way to go for me because of the amount of time I spend in the car.
- I just recently finished Undaunted Courage by Stephen E Ambrose (A Wisconsin Author), a book based on the journals of Meriwether Lewis, of the famed Lewis & Clark. It was very interesting. I had no idea that Lewis committed suicide, among other things that I learned.
I'm also listening to a bit of Robert A. Heinlein these days. He was a good Sci-Fi author. I listened to Stranger in a Strange Land and Starship Troopers. Starship troopers was much better than the embarrassing movie of the same title loosely based on the book. I recommend any sci-fi fan take the time to read it. I also have The Moon is a Harsh Mistress to listen to as soon as I finish a couple more titles.
- I'm sorry to say, I've done very little in the way of printed books lately. I read half of the last Dune Novel, half of Contact by Carl Sagan, and a few others in the past few months. I need to get better about this, but time hasn't been there. Before Christmas, I did read a group of youth novels. I really enjoyed the Artemis Fowl series, and also choked through Ink Heart and Inkspell, good books, but not quick reads.

Hmm, that's a lot of typing. Is anyone else bored yet? I need something to write later on so I'll stop here.



ateche said...

You forgot about the Spiderwick series that we both read before christmas.

Also, I would like it known that I have a higher rank than you do at Little Savages!! Na-Na-Na-Boo-Boo

CapnMonkey said...

yes, well, we can't all be so cool as to have random events work so well for us ;)

CapnMonkey said...

And modest. Don't forget modest. :)